MACKDADDY WEBにも寄稿している盟友ZEN-LA-ROCKが、とにかく完璧にあの時代と現代をマッシュアップさせたPVをドロップ!ゼンちゃん最高 & DC!!!
My friend, ZEN-LA-ROCK, also posts his blog on Mackdaddy web site, just upload his perfect new music video on youtube! It seems like mashing up with late 80's - early 90's and 2011!
My friend, ZEN-LA-ROCK, also posts his blog on Mackdaddy web site, just upload his perfect new music video on youtube! It seems like mashing up with late 80's - early 90's and 2011!
Also this dope one is the teaser of LUVRAW & BTB's (featured artist of that ↑song) new album, HOTEL PACIFICA. U haffi check di too!